Fly Tying Hooks
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We stock a wide variety of fly tying hooks to suit all of your needs! From Salmon hooks to Trout hooks we have it all. Now including our own barbless range which we have worked hard on to bring you quality and affordability. We stock and extensive Range of Fulling Mill Hooks!
Breaking Strain
Breaking Strength
Crystal Flash
Deer Hair Colour
Dubbing Needle Type
Fly Specks
Glo Brite Multi Yarn
Glo Brite Selection Size
Glo-Brite floss 25 yd
Groovy Blob
Half Saddle Colour
Holo Straggle Colour
Hook Type
Ice Dubbing Blends
Irish Blend Colour
Jungle Cock
Lead Free Wire Size
M/Class Fluoro
MasterClass Copolymer
Micro Pack Colour
Mixed Size Assortment
Peacock Dub Colour
Pearl Flat Braid
PHD Blend
Scud Back
Shimmer Flash
Slotted Tungsten Bead Size
Stonfo 634 Dubbing Clip Size
Stripped Quill Colour
Super Stretch Floss Cololur
Superfine Dubbing
Uni 2 Tone
Uni GloFloss
UTC 70 Colour
UTC Ultra 140 Colour
UV Black
UV Ginger
UV March Brown
UV Pale Olive
Veniards Feather Brooch Pin
Vicuna Dubbing Blends
Vicuna Irish Inspired Box
Vicuna Standard Dubbing
W/Class FC 50m
Whip Finish Tool
Worldclass v2 100m
X-Select Type

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What hook should I use for Tying flies?
Choosing the correct hook depends on what fly you are wanting to tie.
Dry fly hooks are made from a lighter gauge of wire. This helps keep the hook light weight helping to keep it afloat once the materials have been applied. Use a Dry fly hook for flies you want to fish on the surface of the water or slow the sinking time down to fish sub surface.
Wet Hooks are made from a heavier gauge wire to help them sink quicker. Use a wet hook for nymphs, spiders, Irish lough style flies and chironomids aka Buzzers.
Blob Hooks - Does what it says on the tin. Blob hooks are for blobs. They usually have a wider Gape and this is due to the fritz they are tied with. Fritz can be bulky and hide the point of the hook. Having a wider Gape helps with better hook ups. Check Out our range of Blob Hooks Here